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Cheeky Soaps

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Soap for Smug People

Soap for Smug People


Smells like an 8-dollar coffee. We don’t know about the rest of you, but smug mofos deserve their own islan…

Soap for OCD

Soap for OCD


Stands up to repeated hand washings. We get you. We really do. That's why we know you need loads of soap arou…

Soap for Plain Old Depression

Soap for Plain Old Depression


Nothing fancy here. If you’re like us, you don’t have any cool-sounding afflictions like bipolar diso…

Soap for Stoners

Soap for Stoners


It's 4:20 somewhere.... Of course it’s always 4:20 in Colorado. But for the rest of us, it’s stil…

Soap for Introverts

Soap for Introverts


People suck. That’s why you prefer to stay inside with your stuffed animal collection. But even enjoying yo…

Soap for Hipsters

Soap for Hipsters


Smells just like your beard. Ah, hipsters. An almost completely passé concept at this point. But if we mad…

Soap for Writer's Block

Soap for Writer's Block


Lube the mind. Or the body. Wait, what? Lather the body. Not lube. Freudian slip. So the wordsmith’s well h…

Soap for Debbie Downers

Soap for Debbie Downers


  Black licorice scented Net Weight: Approximately 4.75 oz. Note: Because all of our soaps are handmade,…

Soap for Evil Dictators

Soap for Evil Dictators


Or dictator wannabes. If you want to be the supreme leader of anything, you’re going to need your own army.…

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© 2014 Whiskey River Soap Co.  •  Photography by Zane C. Abraham

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